

How to kill your car with kindness

2025-01-26 01:26:07
How to kill your car with kindness How to kill your car with kindness

LONDON (Reuters) - The man who wrecked his sportscar by towing a boat, the fisherman who left his car infested with maggots and the overweight couple whose amorous engagements broke the suspension of their Mini -- they're all examples of how Britons mistreat their cars, according to a new survey.

It is amazing what people do to their cars, said Carin Maclellan of website www.
uk which polled 250 car dealers.

She said the survey showed that failing to look after our cars can knock as much as one third off their resale price.

Another case of bizarre treatment was the woman who stuck pictures of her pop idol Cliff Richard on the car windows -- using superglue.

One Ford owner tried to repair crash damage by using a sledgehammer on the bodywork, while another driver used a blowtorch to unfreeze door locks.

The car dealers polled said some people tried to sell their cars stuffed full of rubbish, smelling badly and with suspect stains on the upholstery.

One would-be seller turned up with his car covered in dents after his children had used the roof as a make-shift trampoline while another owner had put plumbing fittings on his hydraulic brake pipes turning his family run-about into a potential death-trap.