

伊索寓言Lesson 29 The trumpeter taken prisoner 号兵

2025-02-17 10:07:07浏览:
伊索寓言Lesson 29 The trumpeter taken prisoner 号兵

  The trumpeter taken prisoner   A trumpeter was captured by his enemy in a battle.
  When they were about to kill him, he begged them to have mercy on him.
  I am not a warrior, said he.
I only blow the trumpet.
It cannot harm you; then why should you kill me?
  You may not fight with a weapon, said the others, but you encourage and guide your men to the fight.
  号兵   ●在一场战争中,有个号兵被敌人抓获了。
  寓意: 人们更痛恨那些怂恿他人作恶的人。