

雅思基础词汇(general Service List)

2025-01-30 01:24:44浏览:
雅思基础词汇(general Service List)  这个词汇表是1953年由一个遥遥英语遥组成的项目组研发的。
  a   ability   able   about   above   abroad   absence   absent   absolute   accept   accident   accord   account   accuse   accustom   ache   across   act   action   active   actor   actress   actual   add   address   admire   admission   admit   adopt   adoption   advance   advantage   adventure   advertise   advice   advise   affair   afford   afraid   after   afternoon   again   against   age   agency   agent   ago   agree   agriculture   ahead   aim   air   airplane   alike   alive   all   allow   allowance   almost   alone   along   aloud   already   also   although   altogether   always   ambition   ambitious   among   amongst   amount   amuse   ancient   and   anger   angle   angry   animal   annoy   annoyance   another   answer   anxiety   anxious   any   anybody   anyhow   anyone   anything   anyway   anywhere   apart   apology   appear   appearance   applaud   applause   apple   application   apply   appoint   approve   arch   argue   arise   arm   army   around   arrange   arrest   arrive   arrow   art   article   artificial   as   ash   ashamed   aside   ask   asleep   association   astonish   at   attack   attempt   attend   attention   attentive   attract   attraction   attractive   audience   aunt   autumn   avenue   average   avoid   avoidance   awake   away   awkward   axe   baby   back   backward   bad   bag   baggage   bake   balance   ball   band   bank   bar   barber   bare   bargain   barrel   base   basic   basin   basis   basket   bath   bathe   battle   bay   be   beak   beam   bean   bear   beard   beast   beat   beauty   because   become   bed   bedroom   before   beg   begin   behave   behavior   behind   being   belief   believe   bell   belong   below   belt   bend   beneath   berry   beside   besides   best   better   between   beyond   bicycle   big   bill   bind   bird   birth   bit   bite   bitter   black   blade   blame   bleed   bless   blind   block   blood   blow   blue   board   boast   boat   body   boil   bold   bone   book   border   borrow   both   bottle   bottom   bound   boundary   bow   bowl   box   boy   brain   branch   brass   brave   bravery   bread   breadth   break   breakfast   breath   breathe   bribe   bribery   brick   bridge   bright   brighten   bring   broad   broadcast   brother   brown   brush   bucket   build   bunch   bundle   burn   burst   bury   bus   bush   business   businesslike   businessman   busy   but   butter   button