这个词汇表是1953年由一个遥遥英语遥组成的项目组研发的。这些词汇从此成为初遥基础英语材料用词的主流。准备和参加雅思考试,下面的词汇遥对是较较基本的要 As the development of Internet, people can find many answers from the Internet. 英语中有一些词汇,假如望文生义,很容易产生误解,比如busboy,容易被认为是公共汽车遥票员,但其实该单词的意思是餐馆的清洁工,其在餐馆里的地位比waiter或 Since the invention of computer, the world has come to the information stage. To Dear Librarian,亲爱的图书管理员:Thank you very much for offering me the chance to make s The Time magazine‘s announcement that "the Chinese Worker" was one of four runne Angry over repeated flight delays, fliers last Friday resorted to violence, atta 《365个英语小故事》:实用简洁的小故事,都是日常生活小故事,在学习英语的同时了解美国文化,循序渐进,轻松掌握。 To serve on a Califo