什么是鞋跟指数? 每次说到经济发展状况,大家会立马想到一堆堆的数据和图表。 不过较近有研究人员表示,观察经济形势其实也可以很简单,看看女士们的鞋跟高度就可以了。 鞋跟越高表明经济形势越好,他们管这个叫“鞋跟指数”。 Researchers have charted the average heel height of shoes women buy and the strength of the economy since 2008. 研究人员自2008年起就开始记录女遥购买鞋子的平均鞋跟高度和经济发展状况。 They say demand for super-high heels soars in a strong economy but switches to sensible, lower shoes when times are tough. 他们表示,经济发展强劲时期,超高跟鞋的需求量会猛增;而经济不景气时,需求则转向鞋跟高度相对正常、鞋跟偏低的鞋子。 It is called heel index where high heels represent a carefree attitude, and when times are tough, we crave stability and switch to lower heels. 这种情况叫做鞋跟指数,高跟鞋代表无忧无虑的态度;而时势艰难的时候,人们都渴望稳定,于是把目光投向低跟鞋。 Recently, researchers have seen this reflected in customers shopping habits with flat shoe sales up 25 percent year on year, suggesting that the current mood is stoic and conservative. (Source: dailymail. co. uk) 研究人员发现近期消费者的消费习惯反应了当前的鞋跟指数,平底鞋的遥比上年增加了25%,说明消费者目前的状态是保守且低调的。