全年无休 24/7/365 很多公司的客服宣传用语都会用24/7这个数字组合来表示“全天候24小时”的概念。 如今,这个概念有了升遥版24/7/365,指“全年无休,每天24小时”。 当然了,如果遇上闰年,还得记得把365改成366。 24/7/365, also alternatively written as hyphenated 24-7-365, has recently begun to appear to describe the concept of 'happening constantly', throughout the entire day, and on every day of the year. It is of course an abbreviation of the phrase 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and can be used either as an adverb, e. g. the centre opens 24/7/365, or as an adjective, e. g. we offer 24/7/365 customer support. 24/7/365,也可写作24-7-365,近几年常用来形容“持续无休”的概念,即全天、一年中的每一天都不停歇。 这三个数字组合就是“一天24小时,一周7天,及一年365天”概念的缩写形式,既可用作副词,如,这个中心一年365天,天天24小时遥;也可用作形容词,如,我们提供全年无休,全天候24小时客户服务。 24/7/365 has appeared more regularly in the last couple of years or so, and is of course inspired by the use of the term 24/7 to mean 'all the time', i. e. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With its embellishment of 365, this new variation emphasizes the fact that something happens not only all day, but also on every day of the calendar year, with no breaks for weekends, public or other holidays. However unlike days and weeks, which unequivocally contain 24 hours and 7 days respectively, the number of days in a year varies once every four years. In 2012 there was therefore some evidence for use of a modified version 24/7/366, taking into account the extra day afforded by a leap year. (Source: macmillandictionary. com) 24/7/365这个说法近几年出现得比较频繁,源自于之前常用来形容“每时每刻”的24/7这个说法,即全天24小时、一周7天都不停歇。 加入365这个概念后,该表达强调的是,某件事不但全天候不停歇,而且一年中的每一天都在进行当中,没有遥,也没有公共或其他各类假日。 不过,与一天24小时和一周7天这样固定不变的时间概念不同的是,一年中的天数会因为每四年遥的闰年而有所变化。 比如,2012年是闰年,我们在遥这个表达时就要稍作改变写成24/7/366。