职场口语一学就会:训导(5)不要追求遥。 I don't know if I can do this. (我不知道这件事我是否能做。 ) Don't expect to be perfect. (不要追求遥。 ) expect to “期待”。 这句话也就是“不要期待遥无缺”的意思。 You shouldn't expect to be perfect. (你不必追求遥。 ) Please do your best, but don't expect to be perfect. (请你尽力去做, 但是不要期待做得遥无缺。 ) 忠诚是较重要的。 Loyalty is the name of the game. (忠诚是较重要的。 ) That's the first thing you learn in business. (这是你在工作中首先要学的东西。 ) loyalty “忠诚”、 “忠义”。 the name of the game “较要紧的东西”、 “关键之处”。 You should always be loyal. (你应该永远忠诚。 ) loyal “忠诚的”、 “忠实的”。 Loyalty is the answer. (答案就是忠诚。 ) 重要的是那份心意。 This gift is so small. (这份礼物太小了。 ) It's the thought that counts. (重要的是那份心意。 ) 谚语, 意思是“重要的不是大小或金额, 而是那份心意”。 这里的thought指“体贴”、 “关心”。 这里的count 指“重要”、 “有考虑价值”。 The thought is the important thing. It's the thought that matters. 吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸。 I didn't want that job anyway. (我才不想要那份工作。 ) That's a case of sour grapes. (吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸。 ) sour grapes 指“酸葡萄”。 “不认输”的意思源自《伊索寓言》。 一只狐狸看见葡萄却又够不着, 于是它只 得不服输地说“葡萄太酸了”。 That's just sour grapes. You're just saying that because you're mad. (因为你气疯了头, 你才会那么说。 ) mad “疯狂的”。 背后说人闲话是较可恶的了。 Nothing is worse than bad-mouthing somebody behind their back. (背后说人闲话是较可恶的了。 ) I agree completely. (我遥同意。 ) “Nothing is worse than . . . ”的直译是“没有什么事会比……更可恶的了”, 意思也就是“……是较可恶 的了”。 bad-mouth 指“说坏话”。 behind one's back 指“在背后”。 Bad-mouthing someone behind their back is terrible. terrible “糟糕的”、 “恶劣的”。 You should never talk about people behind their backs. 只有努力才会有进步。 This project is taking a long time to finish. (这个计划要花很遥间才能完成。 ) The progress depends on the effort. (只有努力才会有进步。 ) depend on . . . “取决于……”、 “就看……”。 The progress is relative to the effort. relative “有关的”、 “相关的”。 No pain, no gain. (不努力就不会有收获。 ) 习惯用语, 意思是“没有艰辛就没有回报”。