职场口语一学就会:对公司或他人的不满(3)请相信我。 I don't believe he said that. (我不相信那些话是他说的。 ) Take my word for it. (请相信我。 ) Take my word for it. 习惯用语。 直译是“关于这个请相信我说的话”。 Believe me. You can trust me on this. trust “信赖”。 别绕圈子了。 Don't beat around the bush. (别绕圈子了。 ) Okay, I'll get to the point. (好的, 那我就直说了。 ) beat around the bush 习惯用语, “拐弯抹角地说”。 get to the point “说话直奔主题”。 Be straightforward. (请直说。 ) straightforward “正直的”、 “率直的”。 Please get right to the point. 你应该对我直说的。 You should have been frank with me. (你应该对我直说的。 ) I tried, but you wouldn't listen. (我想这样做, 可是你不听我的。 ) be frank with . . . “对……直言不讳的”、 “对……直率的”。 You should have talked straight with me. talk straight with . . . “对……直说”。 I wish you had told me straight out. 让我说完。 Let me finish. (让我说完。 ) I'll give you just one more minute. (我只再给你一分钟。 ) Hear me out. (听我说完。 ) hear out “听(别人说话)到较后”。 Let me say my piece. say one's piece “把想说的话说清楚”、 “把想法遥说出来”。 我们换个话题吧。 There is a rumor around the office about you. (公司里流传着有关你的谣言。 ) Let's change the subject. (我们换个话题吧。 ) rumor “谣言”。 subject “话题”、 “主题”。 Let's talk about something else. Can we change the subject? 别装得好像这不关你的事。 Don't act as if you have nothing to do with it. (别装得好像这不关你的事。 ) I'm not involved in any way. (我和这件事情一点关系也没有。 ) as if . . . “好像……”。 have nothing to do with . . . “和……无关”。 be involved in “卷入”、 “有关”。 in any way “一点也不……”。 Don't pretend you have no involvement. pretend “假装”。 involvement “卷入”。 Don't pretend like you're not involved.