职场英语百科:指责遥格或态度(4)你已经无药可救了。 There’s no hope for you. (你已经无药可救了。 ) Please give me just one more chance. (请再给我遥遥。 ) there is no hope for . . . “……没有希望”。 There’s no helping you. (对你已经无计可施了。 ) You are hopeless. (你已经无药可救了。 ) hopeless “ (人)很难救治的”、 “无望的”。 Nothing can be done to help you. 你的记遥可真差。 When was our appointment, again? (我们的约会是几点, 你能不能再说一遍? ) You have a bad memory. (你的记遥可真差。 ) Your memory isn’t very good. You don’t remember well. You are really forgetful. (你真健忘。 ) forgetful “健忘的”、 “容易忘记的”。 你只是不理解, 对吧? You just don’t get it, do you? (你只是不理解, 对吧? ) Get what? (不理解什么? ) get “理解”。 You don’t get the point, do you? (你不明白, 对吧? ) No, I don’t understand. (是, 我不明白。 ) get the point “明白意思”。 You’re just not getting it, are you? It’s just not sinking in, is it? sink in “ (事情)被人理解”。 You don’t understand, do you? 他是一个阿谀奉承之徒。 He’s a brown-noser. (他是一个阿谀奉承之徒。 ) I don’t respect him for that. (我很看不惯他那一点。 ) brown-noser是俚语, 指“阿谀奉承之人”、 “谄媚之人”、 “拍马屁之人”。 He plays up to his superior. play up to . . . “对……阿谀奉承”。 superior “上司”、 “地位高的人”。 He sucks up. suck up “拍马屁”。 He’s a kiss-up. kiss-up是俚语, “拍马屁的人”。 He’s an apple polisher. 这句话在美国用得并不多。 你没有责任感。 I still haven’t finished the report. (报告我还没有写完。 ) You have no sense of responsibility. (你没有责任感。 ) sense “感觉”、 “意识”。 sense of responsibility “责任感”。 You have no sense of accountability. accountability “责任”、 “义务”。 You are irresponsible. irresponsible “没有责任感的”、 “无法信赖的”。