职场口语一学就会:对公司或他人的不满(4)别利用我了。 I only did it to help you out. (我只是想帮你才这么做的。 ) Don't use me as an excuse. (别利用我了。 ) 这里的use指“利用”、 “遥”, 直译是“别用我当借口”。 I don't want to be used as your excuse. You shouldn't use me as an excuse. 别因为我是女的就小看我。 Are you sure you can handle this job? (你肯定自己能胜任这份工作吗? ) Don't underestimate me because I'm a woman. (别因为我是女的就小看我。 ) underestimate “过低评价”、 “小看”。 Don't think any differently of me because I'm female. female “女遥的”。 Don't think less of me just because I'm a woman. think less of . . . “轻视……”。 那不关我的事。 There is a shortage of pens in the office. (公司的笔不够。 ) That has nothing to do with me. ( 那不关我的事。 ) shortage “不足”、 “缺乏”。 That doesn't concern me. concern “有关”。 That's not my problem. (那不是我的问题。 ) Why would that concern me? 究竟是怎么回事? I fired him. (我把他解雇了。 ) What? ! What's the big idea? (什么? ! 究竟是怎么回事? ) fire “解雇”。 What's the big idea? 习惯用语, 意思是“为什么要做这么愚蠢的事情? ”。 Why would you do a thing like that? What motivated you to do a thing like that? (什么促使你那么做? ) motivate “促使”。 你为什么要那么保密? I can't tell you the details. (我不能告诉你细节。 ) Why do you have to be so secretive? (你为什么要那么保密? ) secretive “守口如瓶的”。 Why so secretive? Why is everything so private? private “隐秘的”。 我跟不上你。 I can't keep up with you. (我跟不上你。 ) I'll work slower then. (那我动作慢点。 ) 这句话用在跟不上对方的速度时。 keep up with . . . “跟上……”。 I can't work at the same pace as you. (我没法干得和你一样快。 ) I can't operate at the same level as you. operate “运转”、 “劳动”。 You're too fast for me. (你太快了。 ) You're quicker than I am. (你比我快。 )