BBC白遥工作英语第 26 集: 你不是认真的吧! 投诉用词Narrator: 欢迎回到 Tip Top 贸易公司,大家看起来都有点儿不知所措。 Paul: …and we really need the best biscuits there are. Denise: Yes, and I’ve made sure there’s tea and coffee…Paul: …and the carpets? Denise: Uh? Paul: …have they been cleaned? Denise: Don’t panic Paul, all taken care of. Narrator: 美国总部的大老板 Mr Socrates 突然到这里来,所以什么事情必须都得做好,不 能出错。 Anna, 你对他的印象如何? Anna: Well, so far he seems OK. A bit bossy, quite short and… a bit smelly. Narrator: 他从美国飞了很久才过来。 你帮他订了五星遥的酒店,希望他能好好休息洗漱一 下。 Anna: I hope so! (Phone rings) Oh, I had better get that. Hello? Ah hello Mr Socrates, did you sleep well? Oh! I see… I see… erm… well… oh, I don’t know… Tom said it was five-star… well… OK… goodb- Oh, he’s hung up. Paul: Everything OK Anna? You look a bit pale. Anna: It was Mr Socrates. He’s not happy. Paul: Golly gosh, oh dear. What’s the matter? Anna: It’s his hotel room. He doesn’t like it. The bed’s too soft, too small and it’s a single room not a twin room. Paul: Oh yes, he likes to have two beds in the room for some reason. Anna: But Tom said he only likes a single bed in the room. Paul: Really? Oh no, he insists on a twin – something to do with business partners he says. Anything else? Anna: Yes. He says he wanted freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast, not the stuff out of a carton. Denise: Anything else? ! A view of Mount Everest perhaps? Paul: Yes, thank you Denise. Well, we really must sort this out. We can’t afford to upset Mr Socrates. Now, Anna, you chose this hotel, I really think you need to sort out this mess. Anna: It was Tom’s suggestion…Paul: Just sort it, quickly. Oh golly gosh. Narrator: Uh oh Anna. 你得去投诉了,不过说什么好呢? Anna: Oh. . . I don’t know. I’m not very good at complaining. Narrator: Well, Anna, 保持平静,要有礼貌的告诉酒店你的不满。 你可以说: I’m very disappointed with your service. 你们的服务让我非常失望。 The standard of service is not good enough. 服务质量遥不够标准。 The room I booked did not meet my expectations. 我订的房间和我的期望相 差太远了。 Anna, 祝你投诉遥! Anna: OK. Here goes. (Dialling phone and ringing)Receptionist: Hello. Royal Imperial Hotel. Anna: Erm. . . hello… I want to… I want to complain. Receptionist: Really? About what exactly? Anna: Your hotel. Well, I mean, a room I booked for my boss. Room 101. I’m very disappointed with your service. Receptionist: And why’s that then? Anna: Well, the room isn’t like the one I booked. It’s not good enough. Receptionist: Hmm. Let’s have a look at that booking… Well, your boss got a bed… and breakfast too… a continental breakfast in fact. Anna: But the room just didn’t meet his expectations… hello? Denise: Give me the phone Anna, I’ll deal with this. Now hello Miss…? Receptionist: Miss Fit. Denise: Miss Fit? ! This is the office assis- I mean Manager here. This isn’t good enough. My colleague has made it quite clear that the room did not meet our requirements and I would like you to resolve this matter as quickly as possible or I will have to cancel our reservation. Receptionist: Sadly, we have no other twin rooms available and anyway…Denise: OK, I’d like to speak to your manager please. Really! Narrator: Denise 还是有经验的。 她肯定碰到过这种情况, 不过找经理投诉能解决问题 吗? 让我们来复习一下投诉时能用得上的表达: I’m very disappointed with your service. The standard of service is not good enough. The room I booked did not meet my expectations. 要求解决问题,你可以说: I would like this matter resolved as quickly as possible, 或者: I would like to cancel my reservation and get a full refund. 不知道 Denise 解决问题了吗? Paul: So have you managed to sort out Mr Socrates? Denise: Oh yes, Anna’s got him a new room. Paul: Thanks Anna, I’ll let him know. And what about the orange juice? Anna: Errr…Denise: Freshly squeezed, every morning! Paul: Oh golly gosh – that reminds me, we need some here in the office. He’s going to be here any minute and he says he’s got some important news for us. • Listening Challenge 听力挑战 Mr Socrates 要什么样的房间? 答案:一间双人房。