

some days it just doesn't pay...

2025-01-26 01:24:07
some days it just doesn't pay... some days it just doesn't pay.


to get outta bed.
Today was definantly one of those days.
I woke up late for work.
when I was supposed to be in early.
Logan (the 5 yr old) was in the most impossible mood.
He woke up demanading things left and right.
The day didn't get much better from there.
I got home at about 5:30 and talked to Matt.
Turns out he can't get a transfer back up to the Home Depot in Flagstaff where he will be going to school, so he is basically out of a job.
He called me and sounded pretty pissed about the while thing.
and I want to do something to make him feel better, but I just don't know how.
He says he has another job lined up for next summer and winter break, which is good for him.
Now, don't get the wrong idea, I am not upset about this for reasons concerning me, I am just upset for Matt.
He is worried about paying for his truck and cell phone and stuff w/ only a week and 1/2 worth of pay coming.
His mom might help him out, but he wants to be able to do it himself.
Ever the independent one.
I also feel bad cause he is all mad that now we won't be able to go to Disneyland for Christmas like we were planning.
I'm not too upset about it, but he's a might depressed about it.
Looks like some TLC is in order there.

My cousins are staying the night here tonight so I can't really go out.
My aunt is working the night shift, and my uncle is in the hospital for 2 reasons.
One, he collapsed in the supermarket on sunday and two, he begins another round of chemo today.
I am soo worried for him.
But I know the girls and I will have fun.

Well, I'm gonna make like a baby and head out cause I still have to dry my hair.

later gators,
