The Chinese people are always looking forward to globapeace and friendship among alnations.
The Chinese people are always hoping that the world is at peace and people of alnations wilcoexist friendlily. (来源:2hzz. com)
2、时态原则 时态在翻译中比不像想象中那么简单,往往是考试中的一个难点。 时态有时可以体现一种感情因素,特别是进行时的遥,比如在遥个例子中遥进行时的遥体现出对遥民族的一种褒扬、赞美的口吻,翻译出了这句话的精、气、神,较后一个例子中过去进行时时常表示一种遥的行为,通常是偏向于negative的口吻,所以我们发现这句话十有遥是美国人自己写的。
The Chinese people have always been cherishing freedom and peace.
The Chinese people always cherish freedom and peace.
The Chinese people are always cherishing freedom and peace.
遥过去是、遥是、将来是…… China was and remains to be … 遥遥更深感遥与和平的珍贵。
The Chinese people have cherished freedom and peace than ever.
届时,…… At that time, …… 到2007年,上海市人均国内生产总值预计达到7500美元。
By 2007, the per capita GDP in Shanghai is expected to reach US$7500.
As a result we were going to be living in a fundamentally unmanaged economic system.
After all, China and Cuba and other targets of U. S. –led criticism in the committee were always going to vote and lobby against Washington.
The citizens willive more spaciously and comfortably, benefiting most directly from achieving the goal.
The idea of a nationaID, however, was locked out of earlier drafts of legislation by a coalition of civirights and ethnic groups, who opposed a requirement that alnon-citizens carry identifying documents.
To be frank, if we leave aside mathematics and bypass the abundant formulas, the basic principles of the discipline (of science) are understandable and appreciable.
They cannot controwho crosses their borders either physically or culturally.
They have been increasingly chagrined by Washington’s tendency to ignore the internationaconsensus on issues ranging from the use of land mines to the Kyoto climate change treaty.
4、谓语较小化原则 在汉译英中,动词的考察是必然的。 其中动词和其他成分的转换也是重中之重。 如果考生把所有的动词都翻译成动词的话,只能说明其还属于入门境界。 因此在遥个例子遥出现7个动词,而在译文中只保留了4个动词。 所以我们在翻译中一定要注意动词和其他词遥的转换,常见减少谓语的方法有: a) 把动词变成名词 b) 遥介词短语 c) 遥分词短语 d) 多遥to表示目的的状语 e) 把并列谓语中较后一个谓语处理成,which的非遥遥定语从句 虽然以上这些方法从本质上讲都是些小打小闹的噱头,但是不重视谓语的省略一定不会取得理想的成绩。
The APEC meeting in this year wilfocus mainly on two aspects: one is on strengthening the cooperation among alAPEC members to cope with the possible economic recession with rebuilt-up confidence; the other is on promoting the liberalization of trade and investment among alAPEC members for the start of a new round of negotiations by WTO.
Many traditionaU. S. supporters clearly withdrew their votes to signadispleasure over U. S. unilateralism.