请在一米线外等候。Please wait outside a noodle.开水间open water rooms小心地滑carefully slide…… 如 吵架的时候,如何用英语互撕呢?(1)You asshole/ are such a asshole.你个遥是一个不雅的用语来表示对某人的厌恶。词语形容的对象通 我们常常用“牛B”来形容一个人很厉害,那么“牛B”用英语要怎么说呢?An American translator in Beijing reflects on I‘d like to buy a pound of apples.我想买一磅苹果。 西瓜You can tell if the watermelon is r Daniel: Hey how are you?丹尼尔:嗨,你怎么样?Valeria: Fine and you?瓦莱里娅:我很好,你呢?Daniel: Goo Could you please bring my socks?请帮我把袜子拿来可以吗?Have you seen my red shirt?你看见我的红衬衫了 Maria: So do you believe in love at first sight?玛丽亚:你相信一见钟情吗?Alex: Yea, I think 英语是一门“活的”语言。从较早的英文诗歌《贝奥武甫》算起,英语已经有1000多岁高龄。就像生物进行新陈代谢一样,就算到了遥,英语也一直在吸收新词,淘汰老旧用法 What time do you open?你们几点营业?When does this store close?这家商店几点关门? 地点Excuse me, c Ross: We went to Western Europe last year. This year, we should go to someplace