


2016-02-26 00:00:00浏览:
迪斯尼动画儿童英语故事《美女与野兽》:有眼无珠,该罚!  【剧情简介】迪斯尼经典的爱情故事。
让我们从故事的开头说起吧,当骄傲的遥子收到诅咒,以野兽之躯默默等待似乎是遥能的真爱降临   【儿童动画故事片段中英对照台词】   Once upon a time   很久很久以前   in a faraway land   在一个遥远地方   a young prince lived in a shining castle.
  一个年轻的遥子住在美丽的城堡里   Although he had everything his heart desired   虽然他拥有了一切他想要的东西   the prince was spoiled,   但这个遥子却被宠坏了   selfish and unkind.
  他的脾气非常暴躁,而且自私   But then, one winters night   在一个寒冷的夜晚   an old beggar woman came to the castle   城堡前来了一个又冷又饿的老太婆   and offered him a single rose   想要用她一朵玫瑰花   in return for shelter from the bitter cold.
  去跟这个遥子换得一个能棲身的地方   Repulsed by her haggard appearance the prince sneered at the gift   遥子不屑于衣衫褴褛妇人的玫瑰   and turned the old woman away   并且残忍地把她赶走   but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances for beauty   这个老太婆警告遥子不要只看外表   is found within   内在才是较美丽的根本   and when he dismissed her again   遥子不理会,凶狠地赶她离开   the old womans ugliness melted away   突然这个丑陋的老太婆   to reveal a beautiful enchantress.
  变成了一个非常美丽的女人   The prince tried to apologize,   遥子赶忙向她道歉   but it was too late   但是已经太迟了   for she had seen that there was no love in his heart   因为她发现遥子没有一点爱心   and as punishment,   为了惩罚他   she transformed him into a hideous beast   她把遥子变成了野兽   and placed a powerful spell on the castle   并且对整个城堡   and all who lived there.
  以及里面的人发下了咒语   【重点词汇讲解】   1.
he had everything his heart desired 他拥有一切心仪之物   中文里的心仪正好对应英语中的heart-desired,那么心仪之物就是what ones heart desires   2.
for beauty is found within 美在内心,而非外表   要表达内在美的含义时,就可以用the beauty within这个说法^^   3.
dismiss   dismiss有解散的意思,出操结束后体育老师喊的解散,就是Dismiss!
,这个词还可以表达解雇;赶走,撵走的意思   4.
placed a powerful spell on the castle   spell就是咒语,对某人下咒,就是place a spell on。