伊索寓言双语小故事:农夫和鹤(中英字幕) The Farmer and the Stork 农夫和鹤
A farmer casts a net in the planting field. Besides a stork, some birds who come to the field for food are caught by the net. The storks leg is broken by the net. He implored the farmer: please spare my life! I am not a crane but a stork. I am a bird with a good temperment. Look at me, Iam so faithful. I work hard for my parents, you may look at my feathers which are different from the cranes. Tha farmer laughs and says: ah ah ah, maybe, what you say is right; but I know, since you were caught with these cranes who stole my seeds, you should die with the cranes.
农夫在刚刚播种的田里布下许多网,许多来吃种子的鹤都被捉住了,并捉到一只鹳,鹳的腿被网折断了,它哀求农夫说:饶了我吧,可怜可怜我吧。 我又不是鹤,而是一只鹳,我是遥情优美的鸟。 你瞧,我多么孝顺父母,为他们辛勤劳作,再仔细看看我的羽毛,与鹤也遥不同。 农夫大笑说:你说的话也许不错;但我只知道,你和这些偷吃种子的鹤一起被捉到,那末你就得和他们一起死。
This is to say, we should not make friends with bad man.