


2020-07-01 00:00:00浏览:
老师,节日快乐!老师,Teacher,9月10日 ,是你们的节日,你们辛苦了!
You've been working hard!
谢谢曹老师,Thank you, Miss Cao,教会了我们握铅笔,手指离笔尖一寸,It taught us how to hold a pencil with our fingers one inch from the tip,教会了我们正确的坐姿、眼睛要离本子一尺远、胸离桌一拳,It taught us to sit correctly, keep our eyes one foot away from the book and chest one fist away from the table,教会了我们怎样举手回答问题,怎样正确的站立。
It teaches us how to raise our hands to answer questions and how to stand correctly.
Now, we have learned the four tones of "a, O, e".
谢谢潘老师,Thank you, Miss Pan,教会了我们数数、比长短、比重量、比高矮,比远近。
It taught us to count, compare length, weight, height and distance.
还鼓励我们:We are also encouraged to:别看我们一八班的个子矮,但是我们很聪明!
Although our class 18 is short, but we are very clever!
Pan, you have worked hard,每天早晨和下午,你都是早早的去教室,Every morning and afternoon, you go to the classroom early,等我们到校。
When we get to school.
而每天放学的时候,And every day after school,你都是等我们小朋友先安全的离开教室,你才去开会。
You are waiting for our children to leave the classroom safely before you go to the meeting.
教师节快到了,Teacher's Day is coming,我想做点什么来报答老师,I want to do something to repay the teacher,我要做到:I want to:上课认真听讲,下课不吵吵闹闹,Listen carefully in class, and don't make noise after class,帮助老师提醒其他同学在遥遍上课遥响起的时候安静、趴下休息准备上课。
Help the teacher to remind other students to be quiet and lie down for class when the first class bell rings.
Help teachers do what they can.
在我们上小学的遥个教师节The first teacher's day in our primary school我想对你们说:I want to say to you:老师,节日快乐!
Happy holidays, teacher!