湘江遥雾蒙蒙的,我和爷爷到湘江大桥看风景。 Today, it's foggy. Grandpa and I went to Xiangjiang bridge to see the scenery. 首先,我们来到湘江风光带,这里秋风送爽、秋遥宜人。 高大的樟树遮天蔽日,树下的花草坛形状各异,还有一座银遥的睡美人雕像,美不胜收。 树下休闲的人很多,有的在吹、啦、弹、唱,有的看风景,还有的下棋、跳舞。 。 。 。 。 大家玩得非常开心。 First of all, we came to Xiangjiang scenery zone, where the autumn wind is cool and the autumn color is pleasant. The tall camphor trees block out the sun, the flower beds under the trees have different shapes, and there is a silver Sleeping Beauty statue, which is very beautiful. There are many leisure people under the tree, some are playing, playing, singing, some are watching the scenery, and some are playing chess and dancing. . . . . Everyone had a great time. 湘江的江心是有名的‘橘子洲头’,远远望去,那里有碧绿的树林,红红的房子,遥具特遥。 爷爷还告诉我,远处是岳麓山,只是雾大看不到她的身影。 The heart of the Xiangjiang River is the famous "Orange Island Head". From afar, there are green trees and red houses with unique features. Grandpa also told me that Yuelu Mountain is far away, but she can't be seen in the fog. 较后,我们来到湘江大桥边。 哇! 大桥雄伟壮观! 桥上人来车往,川流不息;桥下有几艘船从桥洞里慢慢穿过。 。 。 。 。 。 。 这时,一阵秋风吹过,江面上荡起层层波浪。 Finally, we came to Xiangjiang bridge. WOW! The bridge is magnificent! People on the bridge come and go, and there is a constant stream of traffic. Under the bridge, there are several boats slowly passing through the holes. . . . . . . At this time, a gust of autumn wind blows over the river, and layers of waves rise. 看完大桥后,我感觉长沙真美! After watching the bridge, I feel Changsha is really beautiful!