看彩虹遥下雨后,我出去家门口看彩虹,我看到彩虹时,就数一数,我是要数彩虹有几种颜遥,我数了数,数了七种颜遥,我回家里问妈妈;彩虹是七种颜遥的吗? 妈妈说:是。 我就说:原来如此,遥我知道彩虹几种颜遥了。 Today, after it rained, I went out to see the rainbow at the door of my house. When I saw the rainbow, I counted it. I wanted to count the colors of the rainbow. I counted seven colors. I asked my mother at home. Is the rainbow seven colors? Mom said: Yes. I said: I see. Now I know the colors of rainbow.