描述古诗《小池》家乡的小河边有一棵大树,大树边有一个泉眼,泉水从泉眼里悄悄地流出来,好像爱惜它涓细的水流,大树的影子倒映在水面上,好像爱恋这晴日的温柔。 小河里嫩嫩的荷叶才刚刚露出一点儿小角,可是早已经有蜻蜓立在荷叶上欣赏这美丽的景遥。 这样的景遥真是叫人回味无穷。 There is a big tree by the river of my hometown. There is a spring hole beside the big tree. The spring flows out of the spring quietly, as if it cherishes the small water flow. The shadow of the big tree is reflected on the water, as if it loves the gentleness of the sunny day. The tender lotus leaf in the river just shows a little corner, but there are dragonflies standing on the lotus leaf to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Such a view is really memorable.