塞北的天,娃娃的脸我的家乡在塞北,这里的天气真像娃娃的脸,说变就变。 My hometown is in northern Saibei. The weather here is like a baby's face. It changes when it changes. 下午上遥节课时,天气还是很睛朗的,碧空如洗,遥无云,同学们在操场上遥自在地玩。 In the first class in the afternoon, the weather is still very bright, clear and cloudless. The students are free to play on the playground. 谁知,临近放学时,只见西方迅速聚起的乌云渐渐向东逼来,远远望去,好似一个个淡黑遥的蘑菇挂在天边。 这一瞬间有一种天要压下来的感觉。 周围的一切都渐渐暗了下来,我有一种不祥的预感。 于是乎,便把一切杂念置之度外,匆匆向家走去。 Who knows, near the end of school, only to see the rapid gathering of dark clouds in the west gradually push to the East, looking far away, as if one by one a pale black mushroom hanging in the sky. There's a sense of the day coming down in this moment. Everything around me was getting dark, and I had a foreboding feeling. So he left all his thoughts aside and hurried home. 黑遥的云好像有再生能力,不一会儿就把天空遮蔽得严严实实,太阳的光线更加弱了。 周围的物体像蒙了一层纱,模糊起来了。 The black cloud seems to have the ability to regenerate. In a short time, it will cover the sky tightly, and the light of the sun will be weaker. The objects around are like a layer of yarn, blurring up. 走着走着,突然,一股强烈的风迎面扑来,我的眼睛眯成了一条缝。 隐隐约约地可以看到远处的树被风吹得左摇右摆。 路上的行人都迎风艰难地行进,似乎一不小心就会有被风吹走的危险。 Walking, all of a sudden, a strong wind came, my eyes narrowed into a seam. The trees in the distance could be seen faintly, swaying to the right and left by the wind. The pedestrians on the road are all marching hard against the wind. It seems that if they are not careful, they will be in danger of being blown away by the wind. 好容易回到了家,向窗外望去,心里猛得一惊,下起雪了! 鹅毛般的雪花随着风纷纷扬扬地飘落在地。 一会儿的功夫,路上已白茫茫一片,成了粉装玉砌的世界。 So easy to go home, looking out of the window, my heart was shocked, it snowed! Feather like snowflakes fluttered down with the wind. After a while, the road was white, and it became a world of powder and jade. 塞北的雪来的快,去的也快。 不到半个时辰,风小了,雪也渐渐停了。 刚才还兴风作浪的乌云迅速散去,红彤彤的落日,笑嘻嘻地欣赏着遍地晶莹的瑞雪……The snow in northern Serbia comes and goes fast. Less than half an hour later, the wind is small, and the snow is gradually stopped. Just now, the dark clouds that were still making waves quickly dissipated, the red sunset, laughing and appreciating the crystal snow everywhere