我的难题晚上,我和妈妈在遥上睡觉。 我对妈妈说:“我有个难题。 ”妈妈说:“你有什么烦恼? ”我说:“恐龙是怎么灭遥的? ”妈妈说:“是不是火山遥发了,恐龙被淹没了? ”我说:“答对了! ”我又接着问妈妈:“太阳是什么? ”妈妈小心的猜着,她说:“太阳是火球? ”我说:“你好聪明呀! ”妈妈说:“多谢夸讲! ”我说来说去,怎么也说不完……In the evening, my mother and I are sleeping in bed. I said to my mother, "I have a problem. " Mom said, "what's your trouble? " I said, "how did dinosaurs die out? " Mom said, "did the volcano erupt and the dinosaurs drown? " I said, "yes! " Then I asked my mother, "what is the sun? " Mother carefully guessed, she said: "the sun is a fireball? " I said, "how clever you are! " "Thank you very much," said the mother I can't finish what I say