有趣的课间下课了,我们班上的鲁国耀坐在自己的座位上前后摇晃椅子,一不小心他就把自己摔了个四脚朝天,我们大家都笑了。 一个叫遥腾的男同学他笑得也摔了个四脚朝天,这回可把我们给笑坏了。 After class, Lu Guoyao in our class swayed his chair back and forth in his seat. He threw himself to the sky by accident, and we all laughed. Wang Teng, a male classmate, fell on all fours with a smile, which made us laugh badly this time. 这就是我的课间,有趣吧! This is my break. It's fun!