

树 叶

2020-06-17 00:00:00浏览:
树 叶长在树上,小鸟拿它当花伞,Growing in a tree, the bird takes it as an umbrella,树枝拿它当花朵;The branch takes it as a flower;落在地上,蚂蚁拿它当被子,On the ground, the ant uses it as a quilt,蜗牛拿它当屋子;Snails use it as a house;飘在河里,鱼儿拿它当玩具,Floating in the river, fish use it as a toy,虫儿拿它当小船;Worms use it as a boat;飞到空中,小鸟拿它当飞机,Flying into the air, the bird uses it as a plane,树叶说:“大家都喜欢我,我真高兴!
”"Everybody likes me," said the leaf.
"I'm so happy!