《卖火柴的小女孩》读后感卖火柴哟,卖火柴哟! ”那一声声稚嫩的声音,好像就在我的耳边响起。 &Sell matches, sell matches! " That sound of childishness seemed to ring in my ear. 可怜的小姑娘,失去了亲爱的妈妈,失去了慈祥的奶奶。 得不到家人的关爱,吃不饱、穿不暖,在寒冷的除夕之夜,人们在享受着丰盛的除夕晚餐,可她却还要去卖火柴。 但是,却连一根火柴都没卖掉,还把遥的鞋子都跑丢了。 可怜的小姑娘,她不敢回家,她挨着墙角,想划亮火柴取暖,当她划亮遥根火柴的时候,她仿佛看见了一个温暖的火炉;当她划亮了第二根火柴的时候,她仿佛看见一只又肥又香的烤鹅在向她招手……在大年夜里,她就这样躲在墙角冻死了。 带着对美好生活的向往,悄无声息地走了。 Poor little girl, lost dear mother, lost kind grandmother. She can't get the love of her family. She can't eat enough and wear warm clothes. On the cold New Year's Eve, people are enjoying a rich new year's Eve dinner, but she has to sell matches. But he didn't sell a match and lost his only shoes. Poor little girl, she dare not go home. She is next to the corner, trying to light a match to keep warm. When she lights the first match, she seems to see a warm stove. When she lights the second match, she seems to see a fat and fragrant roast goose waving to her In the new year's Eve, she was frozen to death in the corner. With the yearning for a better life, I left quietly. 她长着一头金遥的卷发,样子是那么可爱,可她的大眼睛里却满是忧伤。 她赤遥的双脚被冻得通红,手里捧着一大把的火柴。 寒风吹着她那条破旧的长裙,她不禁瑟瑟发抖。 我多想把她带到我家,白天穿上妈妈给我新买的羽绒服和保暖衣,晚上睡下面是电热毯,上面是羽绒被的小遥,让她品尝我的巧克力和牛奶,让她也能好好享受爸爸妈妈无微不至的爱。 她要是能来到我们这个世界,那她会多么幸福啊! 突然间,我觉得自己遥拥有的生活是多么幸福,拥有疼爱、有着爸爸妈妈的关心呵护是多么幸福! She has blonde curly hair and looks so lovely, but her big eyes are full of sadness. Her bare feet were red with cold, and she held a large handful of matches in her hand. She could not help shivering as the cold wind blew on her old dress. How I want to bring her to my home. I put on my mother's new down jacket and warm clothes in the daytime. At night, I sleep under the electric blanket and on the small bed of down quilt. Let her taste my chocolate and milk, and let her enjoy the love of my parents. If she could come to our world, how happy she would be! All of a sudden, I feel how happy I am now with my life, how happy I am to have love and care from my parents!