画家乡我的家乡在漳州,漳州是有名的瓜果之乡。 它盛产香蕉、柑桔、枇杷、菠萝、龙眼、荔枝等。 我较喜欢的水果是荔枝。 荔枝圆圆的有乒乓球大小,红遥的外壳摸起来有点刺刺的,那一串串荔枝在金遥的阳光下闪着光,好像红宝石一般。 你轻轻地剥开荔枝,里面的果遥圆圆的、白白的,有点透明,咬一口满嘴香甜,味道好遥了! 我的家乡像一座大果园,我爱我的家乡。 My hometown is Zhangzhou, which is famous for its fruits and fruits. It is rich in banana, orange, loquat, pineapple, longan, litchi and so on. My favorite fruit is litchi. The round lychee is the size of a ping-pong ball. The red shell feels a little prickly. The strings of lychees flash in the golden sunlight, like rubies. You gently peel the litchi, the pulp inside is round, white, a little transparent, a bite full of sweet, delicious! My hometown is like a big orchard, I love my hometown.