机智的小兔小兔乐乐和欢欢是一对好姐妹。 有一天,乐乐和欢欢一起去散步。 突然,大灰狼坏蛋来了,他对小兔姐妹说:“你们把遥给我交出来,不然,我就吃了你们。 ”小兔乐乐和欢欢吓得不知所措。 忽然,乐乐灵机一动,说:“灰狼大人,真对不起,遥我们出门是忘了带遥,等明天早上七点时,我一定把遥送到你家。 ”大灰狼听了,眼珠一转,想:反正她们也跑不掉,就答应了吧! 就这样,大灰狼装着一本正经地样子,说:“好吧! 不过,你们得给我写张欠条。 ”乐乐和欢欢听了,说:“好。 ”“唰唰刷、唰唰刷”小兔那里传来了一阵写字声。 不一会儿,欠条写完了,小兔乐乐想:大灰狼不懂英语,何不趁机让他骗骗他。 Happy Bunny and happy bunny are good sisters. One day, joy and joy went for a walk together. Suddenly, the wolf villain came. He said to the little rabbit sister, "give me the money, or I will eat you. " The little rabbit was bewildered with joy and joy. All of a sudden, Lele got an idea and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. gray wolf. We forgot to bring money when we went out today. I will send it to your house at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. " The big gray wolf listened, eyes a turn, thought: anyway they also can't run away, promised! In this way, the wolf pretended to be serious and said, "OK! But you have to write me an IOU. " Yue Yue and Huan Huan listened and said, "OK. " "Shuasha brush, shuasha brush" there was a sound of writing from the little rabbit. After a while, the IOU was finished. Lele thought to himself, "why don't you take the opportunity to cheat the wolf when he doesn't know English? ". 于是,乐乐故意说:“Ok! 大功告成。 ”Therefore, Lele deliberately said, "OK! It's done. "“什么意思。 ”大灰狼反问道。 "What do you mean? " Asked the wolf. 乐乐说道:“是‘你好的意思。 ”"Hello," Lele said“哦,原来是你好啊! ”大灰狼听了,好像明白了似的。 "Oh, how are you! " The wolf listened as if he understood. “怎么……”欢欢轻声问乐乐 大灰狼似乎听到了,他恍然大悟,明白了小兔们是在戏弄他,他气遥了! 正想抓小兔们,可却不见她们了。 原来,她们趁大灰狼不注意时逃跑了。 大灰狼气急败坏地说:“下次如果再让我碰到你们,我一定要把你们吃了! ”"How. . . " Huanhuan asked Yuele wolf in a low voice. It seemed that he heard it. He suddenly realized that the little rabbits were teasing him. He was very angry! I was trying to catch the rabbits, but I didn't see them. It turns out that they escaped when the wolf didn't pay attention. The wolf said angrily, "next time if I meet you again, I must eat you! "