遥真冷遥真冷啊! 我都感冒了,“阿嚏”,你听,又打喷嚏了。 It's cold today! I've got a cold, "a sneeze". Listen, I sneeze again. 遥真冷啊! 我发现周围的人们都加厚了衣服,原来人们都穿单褂子,遥都穿毛衣毛裤了。 It's cold today! I found that people around me have thickened their clothes. In fact, people wear single coats. Today, they wear sweaters and trousers. 遥真冷啊! 连河水都结了一层厚厚的冰,还有许多小孩子上去滑冰呢。 It's cold today! Even the river is covered with thick ice, and many children go skating.