我加入少先队员了遥我在学校加入少年先锋队了,成为了一名少先队员。 我们一起宣誓,一起带红遥巾。 Today, I joined the young pioneers in school and became a young pioneer. Let's take the oath together and bring the red scarf together. 少年先锋队是一个很光荣的队伍,刚上一年遥时,我就一直在盼望着这一天,希望早点成为少先队员,遥我终于愿望成真了,我心里非常非常高兴。 Young pioneers is a very glorious team. When I was in the first grade, I was looking forward to this day. I hope to be a young pioneer earlier. Today, my wish has come true. I am very happy. 今后,我要以大哥哥大姐姐们为榜样,因为他们比我们懂事,比我们遥,我要好好学习,好好劳动,为遥主义而奋斗。 In the future, I will follow the example of my older brothers and sisters, because they are more sensible and better than us. I will study hard, work hard and strive for communism.