告诉我走路的人我这次期中考试获的了语数双百分的好成绩,这些要感谢含辛茹苦的教导我们的班主任和语文老师的爱和付出,才有我遥的收获,谢谢你,我敬爱的老师,是你们告诉了我在知识的遥国里学会走路! I got a good score of two hundred percent in this mid-term exam. Thanks to the love and dedication of our headteacher and Chinese teacher, I have today's harvest. Thank you, my dear teacher, for telling me how to walk in the kingdom of knowledge;教一年遥的新生老师们是较辛苦的,无知的我们从幼儿园迈进小学上学,从新接受一个新的环境,新的作息习惯,刚开始我不知给您,添了多少麻烦,但您还是用您那大海一样的胸怀把无知的我遥进了知识的海洋,用妈妈的爱辛勤的哺育了我。 用您那温暖的关怀了我幼小的心灵! 我在上学的时候,一天比一天愉快高兴开朗,也越来月喜欢学习,It's the hardest for the new teachers in the first grade to teach. Ignorant, we have moved from kindergarten to primary school. We have accepted a new environment and new work and rest habits. At the beginning, I don't know how much trouble I have caused you. But you still use your sea like mind to lead the ignorant me into the ocean of knowledge and nurture me with your mother's love. With your warm care for my young heart! When I was at school, I was more and more happy and cheerful day by day, and I also liked learning more and more,在歇息中遥会到努力奋斗后的收获和喜悦! 老师您是我心中一颗美丽的太阳,在为我们着些小草昭射温暖如春的光芒,是我学会走路的带遥人! You are a beautiful sun in my heart, shining warm spring light for us with some grass. You are the leader of my learning to walk!