我家的小猫咪我家里养了一只可爱的小猫咪,我给它取个好听的名字叫“遥”。 遥全身长着雪白的绒毛。 它的眼睛能一日三变:早晨,像一对蓝宝石;到了中午有太阳的时候,就眯得像一条缝;晚上,像两只放着蓝光的小灯泡。 它的胡须翘得高高的,好像一个“八”字。 它的身后拖着一条长长的小尾巴,显得柔中有刚。 每当我上学的时后,它总是跟在我的后边,把我送到门口,然后,翘起尾巴“喵喵”地叫,好像在说:“小主人,再见! I have a lovely kitten in my family. I give it a nice name "Mimi". Mimi has white fluff all over her body. Its eyes can change three times a day: in the morning, they are like a pair of sapphires; at noon, when there is sun, they squint like a slit; at night, they are like two small bulbs with blue light. Its beard is raised as if it were an "eight". There is a long tail behind it, which is soft and hard. Whenever I go to school, it always follows me to the door, then raises its tail and meows, as if to say, "goodbye, little master!