可爱的小黑兔五月二日,我去好朋友家看到了一只小兔子。 ;这只小兔子是黑遥的,尾巴短短的,身体是毛绒绒的,很胖。 它的前腿短后腿长,头是圆圆的,眼睛红红的,像一颗宝石一样。 它的耳朵特别长,这就能知道它是不是小兔子了。 On May 2, I went to my good friend's house and saw a little rabbit. This little rabbit is black, with a short tail and a plush body. It's very fat. It has short forelegs and long hind legs, round head, red eyes, like a gem. Its ears are very long, so we can know if it is a rabbit. 它还长着三瓣嘴。 我每次把它抱起来,它的腿就活蹦乱跳的,非常可爱。 这不由得使我想起了一首儿歌:;小黑兔,黑又黑,两只耳朵竖起来;;爱吃萝卜爱吃菜,蹦蹦跳跳真可爱。 ;你看,我朋友家的小黑兔很可爱吧,说不定你还能和它交个朋友呢。 It also has three mouths. Every time I hold it up, its legs are very lovely. This reminds me of a children's song: little black rabbit, black and black, two ears standing up; love to eat radish, love to eat vegetables, it's lovely to jump. You see, my friend's little black rabbit is lovely. Maybe you can make a friend with him.