日全食来了遥将会出现五百年一遇的日全食,我兴奋得遥没睡着。 There will be a total solar eclipse once in 500 years today. I am so excited that I can't sleep all night. 早上七点半我就起遥了,来到阳台往天上一看,情况不妙啊! 天上厚厚的乌云连太阳的影子都看不到。 于是我等呀等,到了八点半终于看见云层慢慢的变薄了一些,我多么希望乌云能够散开,能欣赏到这百年难得的奇观。 I got up at 7:30 in the morning and went to the balcony to look up at the sky. It's not good! The thick black clouds in the sky can't even see the shadow of the sun. So I waited and waited. At 8:30, I finally saw that the cloud gradually thinned. How I wish the dark cloud could disperse and enjoy the rare spectacle of this century. 马上就要到九点了,还是不见太阳出现,我失望遥了,看来只能从电视上看日全食的全过程了。 这时候,奇怪的事情发生了,天怎么突然变黑了? 刚才还是白天呢? 哦,原来是月亮把太阳遮住了,妈妈说这就是“食甚”。 虽然我遥没有看见日全食的全过程,但是我看到了白天突然变成夜晚,感受到了这五百年一遇的天文奇观,我会永远记得2009年7月22日这一天。 It's almost nine o'clock. I'm so disappointed that I can only watch the whole process of the total solar eclipse on TV. At this time, strange things happened. Why did it suddenly turn dark? Just now or in the daytime? Oh, it's the moon that covers the sun. My mother says that's what I eat. Although I didn't see the whole process of the total solar eclipse today, I saw the day suddenly turn into night and felt the astronomical spectacle once in five hundred years. I will always remember the day of July 22, 2009. 我要好好学习,长大后当一个伟大的科学家,去探索更多的宇宙奥秘! I want to study hard, grow up to be a great scientist, to explore more mysteries of the universe!