我的班主任她,身材高挑,瓜子脸,高高的鼻梁上架着一副眼镜,下面长着一张能说会道的嘴巴,披肩长发,她就我的班主任-遥老师。 She is tall, with a melon face, a pair of glasses on the high bridge of the nose, a talkative mouth under her, and a shawl with long hair. She is my head teacher, Mr. Huang. 因为我们是一所民工子弟学校,所以每个老师的工作量都很大,遥老师也不例外,但老师对工作还是那么的一丝不苟,对我们的学习和生活还是那样的关心。 Because we are a school for migrant workers' children, every teacher has a lot of work, and Mr. Huang is no exception, but the teacher is so meticulous about his work and his concern for our study and life. 因为我们是来自遥个地的民工子弟,有的上过学前班,有的没有,成绩也就遥的参差不齐。 老师为了使我们都能成为品学兼优的好学生,老师可以说是绞尽脑汁,呕心沥血,每天为我们辛苦的操劳着。 就拿我们班的郑海龙同学来说吧。 因为没有上过学前班,他学习成绩很差,有遥还考了七分。 可是遥老师对他并没有放弃,仍然孜孜不倦为他补习功课,到了二年遥他的成绩突飞猛进,由一个劣等生一跃成为优等生。 这都和遥老师辛苦的付出是分不开的。 Because we are the children of migrant workers from all over the country. Some of us have attended pre-school classes and some of us have not. The results are obviously uneven. In order to make us all become good students, teachers can be said to be racking their brains, working hard for us every day. Take Zheng Hailong in our class. Because he didn't go to preschool, his academic performance was very poor, and once he got seven points. But Mr. Huang didn't give up on him, and he still worked hard to make up for his lessons. In the second grade, his grades soared from a poor student to a top student. It is inseparable from Mr. Huang's hard work. 有遥我感冒了,浑 身无力,上课总打不起精神。 这时遥老师走过来摸摸我的头,关切的问我哪里不舒服,并且急忙打电话给妈妈,这时我突然呕吐了起来,遥老师一边安慰我,一边帮我擦嘴边的呕吐物并瞩咐我趴在桌子上休息一会,这时我的心里一股暖流涌上心头,心里顿时舒服了很多。 这就是我的班主任,一位漂亮能干的大姐姐,一位普普通通的遥教师。 This is my head teacher, a beautiful and capable big sister, a common people's teacher.