可爱的蚕宝宝盼望着养蚕的时间又到了,同班同学送给我八只已经出壳的小蚕。 此时,小蚕黑不溜秋的身子,象几只小蚂蚁,在桑叶上面静静的呆着。 爸爸帮我找来了一个化妆品包装盒,把上面的盖子剪了,我们给蚕宝宝安了一个舒适的家。 Looking forward to sericulture time again, my classmates gave me eight small silkworms with shells. At this time, the black body of the little silkworm, like a few little ants, is quietly staying on the mulberry leaves. Dad helped me find a cosmetic box and cut the lid on it. We made a comfortable home for canbao'an. 去年,我和爸爸一起在家门口的小花铺里种了四棵桑树,遥已经长了很多很多嫩绿的叶子,我决定要用较新鲜的桑叶喂养我的蚕宝宝。 看着蚕宝宝吃着鲜嫩的桑叶,我开心遥了! Last year, my father and I planted four mulberry trees in the small flower shop at the door of our home. Now we have many green leaves. I decided to feed my silkworm baby with the freshest mulberry leaves. I am very happy to see the baby silkworm eating the fresh mulberry leaves! 每天放学,我遥关心的就是我的蚕宝宝们了,看看它们有没有长大,桑叶有没有够吃,它们的家有没有粪便,如果脏了,我就给它们清理干净。 更换桑叶,清理蚕宝宝的家成为我每天较快乐的一项工作。 Every day after school, my first concern is my silkworm babies, to see if they have grown up, mulberry leaves have enough to eat, their home has no excrement, if dirty, I will clean them up. Changing mulberry leaves and cleaning the silkworm baby's home have become my happiest work every day. 渐渐地我发现,蚕宝宝越长越大了。 一开始,蚕宝宝们只要一片桑叶就够它们呆在上面了,到后来要放三、四片叶子才够它们吃。 其中有两只蚕宝宝长得特别快,胖乎乎的身子,食量很大,一只蚕宝宝一天就能吃掉两片桑叶。 妈妈说吃得多就长得快,它们的竞争能力很强。 我还发现,每当蚕宝宝变大之前,它们都要艰难的脱去身上的皮,头上的壳。 脱皮是从它们的嘴巴开始的,先是把嘴巴上的硬壳脱去,然后从头部往尾部脱皮。 有遥,我发现一只蚕宝宝的皮一直挂在尾部,好象阻碍了它的行动,我就用棉签压住它那褪下的皮,帮助蚕宝宝遥的脱皮。 Gradually I found that the longer the silkworms grow, the bigger they are. At first, silkworm babies need only one mulberry leaf to stay on it. Later, they need three or four leaves to eat. Among them, there are two silkworm babies growing very fast, chubby body, eating a lot, a silkworm baby can eat two mulberry leaves a day. Mom said that eating too much makes them grow fast. They are very competitive. I also found that when silkworm babies grow up, they have to take off the skin and the shell on their heads. Peeling starts with their mouths, first removing the hard shell from their mouths, and then peeling from the head to the tail. Once, I found that the skin of a silkworm baby was always hanging at the tail, which seemed to hinder its action. I used a cotton swab to press on its shed skin to help the silkworm baby successfully peel. 蚕宝宝的食量越来越大,身子也长得越来越长,包装盒显得很拥挤,爸爸找来了一个更大的盒子,我帮蚕宝宝搬了一个“新家”。 没过几天,那两只较大的蚕宝宝停食了,它们有时静止的在那抬着头,似乎在想着什么,有时又四处爬动,好象要找什么东西似的。 妈妈对我说:“这两只较大的蚕宝宝要准备吐丝结茧了,得另外找个干净的地方让它们安静地吐丝。 ” 我把它们移到了另一个小盒子里,让它们能尽快的适应新环境。 第二天上午,当我从学校放学回家冲过去看它们的时候,那两只蚕分别找了一个角落正在那里努力地工作呢! 又过了几天,其他几只蚕宝宝也陆续的开始吐丝了,一个个洁白的、象小蛋一样的茧,分布在盒子的各个角落。 爸爸告诉我:“蚕宝宝吐完丝结完茧就要开始新的生命了,它们会变异成蛹,蚕蛹在茧里休眠一个月左右的时间后又会变成蛾,蛾就会从茧里出来,通过交配产卵后死去。 ”A few days later, several other silkworm babies began to spin silk one after another, one by one, white cocoons like little eggs, distributed in every corner of the box. My father told me: "when the baby silkworms have finished spinning and cocooning, they will start a new life. They will change into pupae. After a month or so of dormancy in the cocoon, the pupae will turn into moths. The moths will come out of the cocoon and die after mating and spawning. "这次养蚕的经历,让我增长了许多知识,了解了蚕宝宝的生长和生命进化。 我想如果明年我再养蚕,一定会发现更多有关于蚕宝宝的知识。 This sericulture experience, let me increase a lot of knowledge, understand the growth of silkworm baby and life evolution. I think if I raise silkworms again next year, I will find out more about the baby silkworm.