我学包饺子那天,我帮奶奶包饺子,奶奶弄好面粉以后,我That day, I made dumplings for grandma. After grandma made the flour, I就开始揉面了。 在奶奶的帮助下,我揉几下,放点水,揉几下,再放点水,就这样反复揉了许多次,终于弄好了一块又大又软的面团,我都感觉累了 。 我去休息了一会,奶奶把饺子馅弄好了。 我学着奶奶的样子把面揉成长条,刚拿起刀要切面,奶奶连忙把刀拿开,说:“这个工作太危险,让我来做! ”I went to have a rest. Grandma made the dumpling stuffing. I just picked up the knife to cut the noodles. Grandma quickly took the knife away and said, "this job is too dangerous. Let me do it! "我只好垂头丧气的让到一边。 把面擀成皮,我学着奶奶的样子,把遥馅放到皮的中间,然后再把面皮的外面捏到一起,一个饺子包好了 。 一分钟一分钟的过去了,看着全部包好的饺子,这里面也有我的杰作,心里美滋滋的。 不一会儿,饺子下好出锅了,我吃到了美味的饺子。 我明白了一个道理,劳动才能有收获,能够使自己快乐,也能让别人分享快乐! After a while, the dumplings are ready to be cooked. I have delicious dumplings. I have learned a truth that only by working can we gain, make ourselves happy, and let others share happiness!