挖野菜春天来了,外面的田野上绿茸茸的。 爸爸和妈妈带我去小河边挖野菜。 Spring is coming. The fields outside are green and hairy. My father and mother took me to dig wild vegetables by the river. 我们到了河岸边,哇! 这里好多的野菜。 我拿了一个较小的铲子,在一些乱蓬蓬的干草下面把嫩绿的小野菜挖出来,好兴奋。 一个又一个,我不停地挖,不一会儿,手中的小袋子里已经有不少劳动成果了。 抬起头来,伸伸腰休息片刻。 爸爸带我过了一个小桥,在小河的边边上有一棵大大的野菜,特别绿,妈妈说那可能是一棵野草吧,也可能是野菜精。 它太大了,相当于普通野菜的两三倍大呢。 我小心翼翼地走过去用力拔下它。 We got to the riverbank, whoa! There are many wild vegetables here. I took the smallest shovel and dug out the green vegetables under some messy hay. I was so excited. One by one, I kept digging. In a short time, there were many achievements in the small bag in my hand. Raise your head and stretch out for a rest. My father took me across a small bridge. There is a big wild vegetable beside the river. It's very green. My mother said it could be a wild grass or a wild vegetable essence. It's too big. It's two or three times the size of ordinary wild vegetables. I walked over carefully and pulled it out. 我们挖了好多菜,收获真不少。 遥真有趣,要是每天都这样多好啊。 We've dug a lot of vegetables and got a lot. It's so interesting today. If only it were every day.