元宵佳节明天就是元宵节了,吃完晚饭,爸爸妈妈和我去夫子庙看灯会。 Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival. After dinner, mom and dad and I go to the Confucius Temple to watch the Lantern Festival. 到了夫子庙,啊! 这里人山人海,到处都挂满了各式各样的灯笼,美丽遥了。 我看见很多小朋友骑在爸爸的肩上,他们高高兴兴的吃着遥葫芦,手里提着美丽而可爱的牛头灯笼,他们多开心呀。 夫子庙到处是灯的海洋,连十里秦淮的水中都倒映着千姿百态的灯火。 To the Confucius Temple, ah! There are so many people and lanterns everywhere. It's very beautiful. I saw a lot of children riding on their father's shoulders. They were happily eating ice sugar gourd and carrying beautiful and lovely lantern on their hands. How happy they were. Confucius Temple is full of lights, even ten miles of Qinhuai water are reflected with a variety of lights. 遥我看到牛灯较多,因为今年是牛年。 我玩得很开心! Today I see the most cattle lanterns, because this year is the year of the ox. I had a good time!