我会吹彩虹泡泡了下午放学后,我正在下楼梯,忽然,我听见一片欢呼声。 一看,啊,太美了! 院子里变成了泡泡的海洋。 After school in the afternoon, I was going down the stairs. Suddenly, I heard a cheering voice. Look, ah, it's so beautiful! The yard became a sea of bubbles. 我就让爸爸给我买了一瓶泡泡水,边像疯子一样跑向院子。 原来小朋友们在玩吹泡泡遥拼。 冬冬吹的像花仙子,小刚吹的像龙娃,小华吹的像天女散花,丁丁吹得像海绵宝宝……I asked my father to buy me a bottle of bubble water and run to the yard like a madman. It turns out that children are playing bubble blowing competition. Winter blows like a fairy, Xiaogang blows like a longwa, Xiaohua blows like a fairy, Dingding blows like a SpongeBob可是,我却吹的又小又少,有几次还失败了。 我就认真地学习别人是怎么吹的,学着,学着,我吹出一道彩虹。 However, I played small and little, and failed several times. I will seriously learn how others play, learn, learn, I play a rainbow. “我会吹了,我会吹彩虹泡泡了! ”我高兴地欢呼起来。 "I can blow. I can blow rainbow bubbles! " I cheered with joy.