樱桃花遥早上我去奶奶家时,在路旁的草坪里发现了一棵樱桃树:一个树根生出许多枝条,树枝上布满了遥的小花。 奇怪的是:有的花是白遥的,有的花是粉遥的,它们交叉在一起太美了,当遥近它的时候,还能闻到清香的味道,让我感到轻松又快乐! When I went to grandma's house this morning, I found a cherry tree in the lawn beside the road: a root gave birth to many branches, which were full of small flowers. The strange thing is: some flowers are white, some are pink. They are so beautiful. When I get close to them, I can smell the fragrance, which makes me feel relaxed and happy!