在邻居家做客遥,爸爸回老家去了,妈妈带我去邻居家做客。 Today, my father went back home. My mother took me to my neighbor's house. 砰砰砰……阿姨开了门。 Bang Bang Bang Aunt opened the door. “阿姨好! 我和妈妈来您家做客。 ”我甜甜地说。 "How are you, Auntie! My mother and I come to your house. " I said sweetly. “杨淇好! 欢迎你们。 ”"Yang Qihao! Welcome. "阿姨和小姐姐对我们非常热情。 在茶几上摆了好多好多好吃的。 其中就有我喜欢吃的麻辣片、著条和虾米。 吃的我满嘴油乎乎的。 妈妈说我是个小馋猫。 Aunt and little sister are very warm to us. There are many delicious dishes on the tea table. Among them are my favorite spicy slices, sticks and shrimps. I have a greasy mouth. My mother said I was a greedy cat. 我还和小姐姐下了围棋、象棋。 玩得很开心。 I also played go and chess with my sister. Have a good time. 回家后,妈妈说:“你吃东西的样子,把杨家人的脸都丢光了。 ”After going home, my mother said, "the way you eat, you've lost all the faces of the Yang family. "