折滑翔机好消息,好消息,我会折滑翔机了。 Good news, good news, I'll break the glider. 遥,我要给大家介绍一下折滑翔机的方法:Now, I'd like to introduce you to the method of folding glider:1、把纸沿长边对折,折出一道中线;1. Fold the paper in half along the long side to form a middle line;2、将一端的两个角再向中线对折;2. Fold the two corners of one end to the center line again;3、把纸翻过来,将刚才折过的两个角再向中线折;3. Turn the paper over and fold the two corners to the center line;4、将飞机沿中线对折起;4. Fold the aircraft along the center line;5、 将两个翅膀沿虚线与中线平行对折;6、 完成。 小朋友,你学会了吗? Children, have you learned?