小白兔狼口脱险记有一天,小白兔走在回家的路上。 突然,草丛中有一只大灰狼纵身一跃,跳到了小白兔身后。 小白兔吃惊的发现身后有一只大灰狼,它害怕遥了,飞快的跑了起来。 One day, the little white rabbit was walking home. Suddenly, a big gray wolf in the grass jumped to the back of the little white rabbit. The little white rabbit was surprised to find a big gray wolf behind him. He was so scared that he ran quickly. 它跑到了一条小河边,停住了,因为它不会游泳,所以它抱着头大声的呼叫“救命啊,救命啊! ”这时一只大白鹅游了过来,说: “孩子,快上来吧,我把你送回家! ”小白兔跳急忙跳到大白鹅身上,说:“谢谢你,大白鹅阿姨! ”The little white rabbit jumped to the big white goose and said, "thank you, aunt big white goose! "大白鹅背着小白兔游到了远处,大灰狼垂头丧气的走了回去。 The big white goose swam to the distance with the little white rabbit on his back, and the big gray wolf walked back dejectedly.