可爱的小青蛙夏天,天气炎热。 在小河的荷叶上,有几只活蹦乱跳的小青蛙。 It's hot in summer. On the lotus leaf of the river, there are some little frogs jumping about. 青蛙是一种两栖动物,经常在荷叶上,小河边,和田地里蹦来蹦去。 告诉你吧,青蛙有捕捉能手、歌唱家、运动健将、伪装高手四个称号呢! Frog is an amphibian, often in lotus leaf, small river, and the field to jump around. Tell you, frogs have four titles, which are catching expert, singer, sportsman and camouflage expert! 捕捉高手是因为青蛙在田地里,用它那个有黏液的舌头,而经常能捕捉到害虫。 The catch master is because the frog in the field, with its sticky tongue, can often catch pests. 有歌唱家这个称号是因为,青蛙呱呱叫的声音格外地响亮。 There is a singer because the voice of frogs is very loud. 叫运动健将也是应该的,青蛙能用那双腿蹦出很远。 It's also appropriate to call a sportsman. Frogs can jump far with their legs. 叫伪装高手也是名副其实的,就简单举一个例子,青蛙嘴的上面,有一个很像鼻子的东西,其实青蛙没有鼻子。 It's also worthy of the name of disguise expert. To give a simple example, there is a very nose like thing on the frog's mouth. Actually, the frog has no nose. 青蛙被捕遥很多,遥已经很少见了,我们一定要保护青蛙。 Frogs have been killed a lot. It's rare now. We must protect frogs.