《天鹅大虾和梭鱼》读后感遥,我们学了俄罗斯作家克雷洛夫的《天鹅、大虾和梭鱼》。 Today, we learned the swan, prawn and Barracuda by Russian writer krailov. 这个寓言故事讲的是,天鹅、大虾和梭鱼想把一辆大车拖着跑,它们都给自己上了套,拼命的拉呀拉,大车却一步也动不了。 This fable tells us that swans, prawns and Barracuda want to drag a cart away. They all set themselves up to pull and pull as hard as they can, but the cart can't move a step. 这是为什么呢? 因为它们没有在同一个方向拉车。 Why is that? Because they don't pull in the same direction. 这篇课文告诉我们:做事要同心协力,团结一心。 如果不合作就会办不成事。 This text tells us that we should work together. If we don't cooperate, we won't succeed.