中秋灯会八月十五日那天是中秋佳节,我们全家人在家里团聚,满桌的鸡鱼遥蛋,美味佳肴,大家吃得津津有味。 不一会儿天黑了,月亮悄悄的升上了天空,大家提出遥不赏月异口同声说去看灯会。 August 15 is the Mid Autumn Festival. Our family is reunited at home. The table is full of chicken, fish, meat and eggs, and delicious food. Everyone has a good time. After a while, it was dark, and the moon was quietly rising into the sky. Everyone said that they would not enjoy the moon today and said in unison to go to the Lantern Festival. 我迫不及待高高兴兴拉着妈妈的手走到湖边,湖里灯火辉煌,五颜六遥。 岸上的人川流不息,人山人海,黑压压的一片。 我目不转睛地看着湖面上的荷花灯放着绿遥的光,还有汤显祖的牡丹亭灯,有一对男女青年穿着美丽的衣服,栩栩如生。 还有那漂亮的美人鱼灯,我较爱看的是双龙戏珠,那两只龙在水面上腾空而起,金光灿烂,看得我眼花缭乱,满湖还有许许多多的花灯,使我看后流连忘返。 I can't wait to walk to the lake happily with my mother's hand. The lake is bright and colorful. The people on the bank flow ceaselessly, the mountains and the sea of people. I can't turn my eyes to see the green light of the lotus lamp on the lake, and the Peony Pavilion lamp of Tang Xianzu. There are a pair of young men and women wearing beautiful clothes, lifelike. There is also the beautiful mermaid lamp. My favorite thing to watch is the two dragons playing with beads. The two dragons soared up on the water with brilliant golden light, which dazzled me. There are many lanterns all over the lake, which make me linger after watching. 遥的中秋灯会比赏月更快乐。 Today's mid autumn lights will be happier than watching the moon.