寻找秋天秋天在哪里? 秋天在硕果累累的果园里。 你看那树上的梨遥澄澄的,就像一盏盏灯笼;苹果红彤彤的,就像娃娃红红的脸颊。 Where is autumn? Autumn is in a fruitful orchard. Look at the yellow pears on the tree, like a lantern; the red apples, like the red cheeks of dolls. 秋天在哪里? 秋天在丰收的田野里。 你看那饱满的谷穗都弯了腰;红红的高粱像一把把燃烧的火把。 五谷丰登的喜悦写在了农民的脸上。 Where is autumn? Autumn is in the field of harvest. Look, the full ears of grain are bent; the red sorghum is like a burning torch. The joy of harvest was written on the farmer's face. 秋天在哪里? 秋天在风景如画的山林里。 你看那满山遍野的枫林映红了天空;还有那在秋风中摇曳的菊花,芳香扑鼻,是多么地让人赏心悦目呀! Where is autumn? Autumn is in the picturesque forest. Look at the maple trees all over the mountains, which make the sky red; and the chrysanthemums swaying in the autumn wind, which are fragrant, how delightful! 小朋友们,让我们一起到大自然感受秋天的神奇吧! Children, let's go to nature and feel the magic of autumn!