小猫吃鱼小猫的主人不在家,小猫感到非常的无聊,就拿起纸和笔在小板凳上专心致志地画画,画了一张自已较喜欢吃的小鱼。 The owner of the kitten is not at home, and the kitten feels very bored. He picks up the paper and pen and draws on the bench with his heart and soul. He draws a picture of his favorite fish. 小猫看着自已画的小鱼直流口水。 心想:我好久没吃到小鱼了,主人的鱼缸里那条鱼儿够我饱餐一顿吧。 The kitten looked at the little fish he had drawn. Thought: I haven't eaten a small fish for a long time. The fish in the master's fish tank is enough for me to have a full meal. 小猫想着想着就猛得向鱼缸扑去。 一看,小鱼还在水里遥自在地游着呢! 小猫不顾三七二十一,伸手一把抓住小鱼就往嘴里塞,不一会就把它吃了个一干二净。 小猫舔了舔嘴角,摸了摸肚皮,心满意足的说:“这条小鱼真好吃啊! ”Thinking about it, the kitten rushed to the fish tank. At first sight, the little fish is still swimming freely in the water! Despite the three seven twenty-one, the kitten reached for the fish and put it in his mouth. Soon he ate it completely. The kitten licked the corners of his mouth, touched his belly and said contentedly, "this little fish is delicious! "主人快回来了。 小猫想:主人回来看不到非打我遥,该怎么办呢! 它看着自己画的小鱼,灵机一动想出了办法,它把纸鱼放进鱼缸。 The master is coming back. Kitten thought: the master can't see that he has to hit me. What should he do! He looked at the small fish he drew. He had an idea. He put the paper fish in the fish tank. 嘿嘿,小猫还觉得这个办法天衣无缝呢! Hey, kitten thinks this method is perfect!