雪中游戏在二月二日那天,天空中大雪纷飞。 不一会儿工夫,大树就披上了银装。 小河里的水早已结起了冰……啊! 好冷呀。 On February 2, there was heavy snow in the sky. In a short time, the tree was covered with silver. The water in the river has already frozen Ah! It's cold. 虽然那天很冷,但是我却十分开心,小朋友,你们知道这是为什么吗? 因为我又可以和我的弟弟堆雪人、打雪仗了。 Although it was cold that day, but I was very happy, children, do you know why? Because I can make snowmen and have snowfights with my brother again. 早上,我来到他家,一进门,弟弟就急匆匆地要和我去堆雪人、打雪仗。 我还请弟弟的爸爸妈妈一起参加。 In the morning, I came to his house. As soon as I entered the house, my brother hurriedly wanted to make a snowman and have a snowfight with me. I also invited my brother's parents to join us. 大家找了一块干净的空地堆起了雪人。 我们抓起一把又一把雪,我们捧起一捧又一捧雪,我们铲起一盆又一盆雪,慢慢地,慢慢地,一个小雪人就堆好了。 We found a clean space to build a snowman. We picked up a handful of snow, we picked up a handful of snow, we scooped up a basin of snow, slowly, slowly, a small snowman on the heap. 我们要打雪仗了。 大家做好保护,开始了游戏。 弟弟可自信了,一遥了五个雪球,可惜弟弟的发射不准,一个也没打着。 接着,我发了个无影雪球,一下子,雪球不见了。 原来,我把雪捏得太紧了扔出去的那一瞬间,已经不见了。 我把事实告诉大家,大家都哈哈大笑。 We are going to have a snowball fight. Everyone do a good job of protection and start the game. My brother is confident. He has sent five snowballs in a row. Unfortunately, my brother's launching is not allowed and he hasn't played one. Then, I sent a shadowless snowball. All of a sudden, the snowball disappeared. It turned out that the moment I threw the snow too tightly was gone. I'll tell you the truth. Everyone laughs. 那天真快乐呀! Happy that day!