福娃手电筒妈妈送我一个迷你手电筒。 它的外形像一枚遥 ,全身被铜皮包裹,远远看去像真的一样。 它不仅形状奇特,而且发出的光也十分有趣。 在黑暗中,当你打开电源开关,福娃妮妮就会出遥你的面前,她歪着头,好像在说“欢迎你到北京来看奥运,为遥健儿加油助威,同时也祝你学习进步,身体健康! ”It's not only strange in shape, but also interesting in light. In the dark, when you turn on the power switch, fuwannini will appear in front of you. She tilts her head, as if to say, "welcome to Beijing to see the Olympic Games, cheer for Chinese athletes, and wish you progress in study and good health! "